Here are the 10 most viewed stories published on for 2018:
#1: New musicals Hit the Wall and Rebel Genius selected for 2018 LiveRead@SDA

(Photo by Brian Feinzimer/Capture Imaging)
Two new works illuminated a forward-thinking landscape of contemporary musicals and highlighted the School’s commitment to cultural diversity. Read the original story.
#2: Theatrical productions opening Fall 2018

(Photo by Joan Marcus)
Alumni and faculty showcased their work on Broadway and in Los Angeles theatre. Read the original story.
#3: Celebrating a SDA legend: Jack Rowe

(Photo by Ryan Miller/Capture Imaging)
On Jan. 21, alumni, staff, faculty, friends and students gathered to honor the career of a truly beloved theatre artist, director, teacher and mentor. Read the original story.
#4: Top USC teachers reveal ways to inspire students

(USC Photo/Chris Shinn)
Two popular professors, including SDA’s Mary Joan Negro, embrace a tough-but-fair approach in the classroom. Read the original story.
#5: ‘West Side Story’: An academic triple threat

(Photo by Craig Schwartz)
Three of USC’s world-class arts schools joined their considerable artistic forces for a production of one of the most relevant musical dramas of our time. Read the original story.
#6: An appreciation of Jack Rowe
The inimitable Jack Rowe retired after decades of leadership, service and commitment to the education of young artists. Read the original story.
# 7: Intro to Stand Up Comedy (Video)
An inside look at one of the most popular new classes at the USC School of Dramatic Arts. Watch the video.
#8: USC School of Dramatic Arts announces 2018 commencement speakers
Celebrated actress and activist Connie Britton, and beloved arts educator and actor Andy Robinson spoke at the undergraduate and graduate ceremonies, respectively. Read the original story.
#9: Kevin Kline inaugurates first Spotlight@SDA in New York

(Photo by Bruce Gilbert)
The multi-talented actor was interviewed by SDA faculty member Kate Burton at the event for students, alumni and parents. Read the original story.
#10: Ad Libbing with alumna Devin Kelley (Vide0)
SDA alumnus and producer David Fickas talks education, early career and more with alumna and actress Devin Kelley BFA ’08. Watch the video.