The USC School of Dramatic Arts offers a number of minors to complement your undergraduate major. The diverse range of minor options is intended for you to explore an area of interest outside your major giving you greater depth of knowledge while maximizing your experience at USC. For more information about minor program requirements, see the USC Catalogue.
Adding a minor
We require students to complete at least one dramatic arts course prior to starting a minor program. This is so you may familiarize yourself with our courses and to ensure that a dramatic arts minor is well-suited for you. In addition, we strongly recommend that you consult your academic advisor prior to applying to determine the impact of adding a minor to your course plan. You may also schedule an appointment with a dramatic arts counselor to help you with this process. Please contact the Office of Admissions & Student Services to check the availability of walk-in appointments.
Minor, Theatre

The USC School of Dramatic Arts production of Don’t Go at the Scene Dock Theatre. (Photo by Reza Allah-Bakhshi/Capture Imaging)
Our theatre minor invites students to explore the many facets of this exciting field. Students have the opportunity to take a variety of classes in acting, applied theatre arts, arts education, playwriting, literature, stage management, directing, costume design and production. The curriculum is very flexible and encourages students to develop a primary interest for upper-division course work.
All minor students are eligible to participate in performance and production projects.
Total units required: 24
See the USC Catalogue for requirements.
Minor, Comedy (Performance)

Students in the Theatre and Improv Games class laughing at a performance by their fellow classmates. (Chris Shinn/USC Photo)
The minor in comedy (performance) is a 16-unit minor that focuses on the theory and practice of comedy-making from the performer’s perspective. Beginning with a foundation in the history of comic performance – and supplemented by courses in the fundamentals of acting and performance – the progression of the minor offers students a comprehensive theoretical and experiential education in the many differing disciplines of comedy.
All minor students are eligible to participate in performance and production projects.
Total units required: 16
See the USC Catalogue for requirements.
Minor, Musical Theatre

Grand Hotel, The Musical at the School’s Bing Theatre. (Photo by Craig Schwartz)
The minor in musical theatre, interdisciplinary in nature, is a 27-unit program incorporating the study of acting, dance or movement, vocal arts and related musical subjects presented in association with the USC Thornton School of Music.
All minor students are eligible to participate in performance and mainstage production projects.
To apply for this minor, please contact the USC Thornton School of Music.
Total units required: 27
See the USC Catalogue for requirements.
Minor, Performing Arts Studies
The minor in performing arts provides an interdisciplinary inquiry into the nature and aesthetics of the performing arts. It combines the disciplines of cinematic arts, dance, music and theatre. The minor is a unique course of study that looks at how the performing arts contribute to a culturally literate society.
All minor students are eligible to participate in performance and production projects.
Total units required: 20
See the USC Catalogue for requirements.
Minor, Creative Leadership

A USC student asks Sir Ben Kingsley about his personal experiences at a Spotlight@SDA event. (USC Photo/Gus Ruelas)
The minor in creative leadership is the study and practice of embodied communication, collaboration and storytelling, creating pathways to authentic, dimensional, empathic leadership.
All minor students are eligible to participate in performance and production projects.
Total units required: 20
See the USC Catalogue for requirements.
Minor, Performing Social Change

Students participate in a dedication of the Massman Theatre as a ghost light theatre. (Photo by Rickey Orr)
This minor creates opportunities for exploration of social change through performance and theatrical practice.
All minor students are eligible to participate in performance and production projects.
Total units required: 20
See the USC Catalogue for requirements.
Minor, Creating Dramatic Writing Content

Concert-style reading of A Roach’s Complaint, written by playwright Victoria Moy, at the School’s McClintock Theatre as part of the annual New Works Festival Year 2. Photo by Craig Schwartz
The minor in creating dramatic writing content offers a concentration in the discipline of playwriting as a means for broadening and deepening expression using the literary and performing arts. This minor offers a foundation for extended expression in dramatic writing and creative writing genres in general.
All minor students are eligible to participate in performance and production projects.
Total units required: 20