Photo from Queen Margaret by Reza Allah-Bakhshi/Capture Imaging
The BFA in Acting for Stage and Screen connects the foundation of classical theatre with innovative training for the contemporary performing artist in the digital landscape — including on-camera techniques, voice over and much more. An emphasis on professional development and networking culminates this groundbreaking degree offering in the heart of Hollywood, envisioned to be the standard-bearer for the next generation of acting programs.
In addition to a thorough theatre curriculum, all candidates for the BFA degree must complete a series of general education courses required by the university. The USC Core and General Education Program has been designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to be informed citizens of the 21st century, who understand its challenges and participate in the debates of their time. It requires eight courses in six Core Literacies, plus two courses in Global Perspectives (which may double-count with courses in the Core Literacies) and two courses in writing.
For complete curriculum requirements, please visit the USC Catalogue.
“I got my representation, managers and agents right out of the acting showcase at USC and I got my SAG card before the end of that year. About one year out of school, I booked the guest star on HBO’s True Blood which turned into a regular.”
Deborah Ann Woll
BFA Acting, Class of 2007