EDI News

Snow piled up on a pine tree branch.

Five plays to read in winter

Selected by the USC School of Dramatic Arts Critical Studies and Dramatic Writing faculty

As winter approaches, SDA’s Critical Studies and Dramatic Writing faculty suggest plays to accompany a mug of hot cocoa and a crackling fireplace.

must reads
Will Ferrell gestures with his hands upright speaking into a microphone.

Top stories of 2023

From an inspiring gift to a special visit from a Trojan superstar, here are a selection of the most-viewed stories of 2023.

looking back
Section of Callboard Cover

Callboard 2022-23

Read through the 2022-23 issue, featuring stories on the Professional Development Center, inspiring alumni, and more

view the issue
Section of Callboard cover

Callboard 2021-22

Read through the 2021 issue — covering the School’s 75 years of excellence, features on six alumni, Q&A with the dean and more.

view the issue
Dean Emily Roxworthy

Meet Dean Emily Roxworthy

Callboard magazine sits down with the new dean, Emily Roxworthy, for a question and answer interview about SDA's special qualities, the next five years, her work as a scholar and more.

Callboard magazine sits down with the new dean, Emily Roxworthy, for a question and answer interview about SDA’s special qualities, the next five years, her work as a scholar and more.

Redesign and renovation of historic building at USC

Top 10 stories of 2021

From a new building to full-time hires, scholarships and the 75th celebration, here are the 10 most viewed stories of the year.

2021 reflection