New Works Festival Year 2: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Chinese People But Were Afraid to Ask

April 17–19, 2015
Three stories intersect, that of a Chinese sex worker who’s trying to find the right man, that of an economics student who’s a princeling of the political and business elite, and that of an old grandfather-farmer, whose children and grandchidren live in the cities and rarely come back to the countryside. Their stories are not so different from folks’ from other parts of the world, as all try to find happiness given their circumstances, backgrounds, and dreams.
One of the plays featured in exciting and diverse new works by the School of Dramatic Arts’ second-year MFA Dramatic Writing students.
Performance Dates and Times
4/17/2015 at 7 p.m.
4/18/2015 at 2:30 p.m.
4/18/2015 at 8 p.m.
4/19/2015 at 2:30 p.m.
Production photos
©2015 Photos by Craig Schwartz for the USC School of Dramatic Arts
Additional Information
The Master of Fine Arts in Dramatic Writing Playwrights Workshop
By Fei Kayser
Directed by Leslie Ishii