Author: Delphine Vasko

Photo of Kalief Washington

Kalief Washington

Kalief Washington joined SDA in February of 2022. He began his career working on Capitol Hill in the Committee for Financial Services. He has served…

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Delphine Vasko

Delphine Vasko is the associate dean of communications at the USC School of Dramatic Arts, working collaboratively to steward the School’s press/public relations, editorial content…

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Ramón Valdez

Ramón Valdez (he/him/his) serves as the School’s Assistant Director of Admissions. In this position, he works closely with prospective undergraduate and graduate students looking to…

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Charlotte Stratton

Charlotte Stratton, Costume Technician, has been making costumes for USC School of Dramatic Arts since 2006 and teaches Costume Construction THTR 231.  Prior to joining…

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Prakash Shirke

Prakash Shirke has worked for the USC School of Dramatic Arts since 2005. He did his bachelor’s degree in Marketing and master’s degree in Business…

Photo of Joe Shea

Joseph Shea

In Joe’s capacity as the Arts Manager for Video and Streaming, he navigates the intricate world of streaming, projections and video aspects of all productions,…

Photo of Howard Schmitt

Howard Schmitt

Howard Schmitt is the costume shop manager for the USC School of Dramatic Arts, and also teaches classes at the School.

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Christopher Paci

Christopher Paci is an Assistant Technical Theatre Manager for the USC School of Dramatic Arts.